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Counterintelligence: Operation Underworld

Counterintelligence can be described as activities designed to prevent or thwart spying, intelligence gathering, and sabotage by an enemy or other foreign entity. This guide provides books, articles, reports, websites, and videos on the subject.

Operation Underworld

Operation Underworld was the United States government's code name for the cooperation of Italian and Jewish organized crime figures from 1942 to 1945 to counter Axis spies and saboteurs along the U.S. northeastern seaboard ports, avoid wartime labor union strikes, and limit theft by black-marketeers of vital war supplies and equipment. 



Video-- The Mafia Protected New York From Enemy Spies

In the midst of the brutal conflict of WWII, U.S. Naval Intelligence was forced to make a deal with the mafia to protect its ports from enemy spies operating on American soil.

Video-- Mafia Wars: Meyer Lansky's Secret Deal With the U.S. Navy in WWII

Video on Meyer Lansjy, financial brain of the Mafia.

Operation Underworld & Operation Husky

Video on how Lucky Luciano and the Mafia helped America beat the Nazis


Online Resources