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Electronic Resources
Asia Studies
Full-text research reports, journal articles, and country specific and multi-country studies on business, government, economic, and social issues
Key indicators; charts; and graphs. Asia-wide statistics (Asia Development Outlook and Asia Economic Monitor)
Columbia International Affairs Online
Scholarly materials on politics and international relations. Full text of working papers, policy briefs, conference proceedings and links to Web sources. Journal abstracts, book summaries, country data, and economic indicators
EBSCO Military & Government Collection
Publications indexed include Air Force Comptroller, Army Reserve Magazine, Defence Studies, Global Security Review, JFQ: Joint Force Quarterly, Military Technology, National Review, Combat Edge, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Foreign Affairs, and Naval Forces
IISS Armed Conflict Database
Conflict List
Region List (by country)
PAIS International (Pub. Affairs Int'l)
References to journal articles and books;
governmental documents and reports;
reports from public and private organizations; and
to statistics and directories
Relevant Articles
Center Stage for the Twenty-first Century
Robert D. Kaplan, Foreign Affairs, vol. 88,
iss. 2, March/April 2009
Conceiving the “Arc of Crisis” in the Indian Ocean Region
Fain, W Taylor. Diplomatic History, vol. 42, iss. 4, 26 Septmeber 2017, pp. 694-719.
Entire Indian Ocean Is Up for Grabs
Edward H Lundquist, U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, July 2010, vol. 136, iss. 7, p. 18
Indian Ocean Security and the Law of the Sea
James Kraska, 43 Geo. J. Int'l L. 433 (2011-2012)
Maritime Strategy: Indian and American Perspectives
Institute of Peace & Conflict Studies, Report of the IPCS Seminar held on 30 April 2009, Navy Seminar Report #287
Options in the Indian Ocean Century
Gregory R. Copley, Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, vol. 38, iss. 1, 2010
The Power Triangle in the Indian Ocean: China, India and the United States
Hornat, Jan. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 29, iss. 2, pp. 425-443.
Congregational Research Reports (CRS)