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Customary International Law
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Stockton e-Portal: Customary International Law
The Law of Armed Conflict / International Humanitarian Law Research e-Portal
Treaty & Custom
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Treaty Law
Customary International Law
Nat'l Implementation Databases
Case Law
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International & Hybrid
Frequently Cited Cases
Nat'l Manuals & Publications
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Military Legal Manuals
Handbooks & Guides
Key Doctrine
ROE & Tactical Directives
Military Justice Codes
Service Doctrine
Expert Manuals & Reports
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Expert Manuals
Expert Meetings
Thematic Reports
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2015 Kunduz Investigation
2014 Israel-Gaza
2012 Israel-Gaza
2011 Bahrain
2011 Libya
2011-2015 Syria
2010 Gaza Flotilla Incident
2009 Israel-Gaza
2009 Sri Lanka
2008 Georgia-Russia
2006 Israel-Hezbollah
2004-2005 Sudan (Darfur)
2003 Iraq
1999 Kosovo
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ICRC Databases & Platforms
Key ICRC Documents
Int'l Review of the Red Cross
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Inter-Gov't Organizations
Defense Ministries
Non-Gov't Organizations
IHL Centers
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Conflict Databases
ICRC Databases
International Criminal Law Databases
Military Documents Databases
National Case Law Databases
Cyber Databases
United Nations Databases
IIHL Online Library
National Strategy Documents
ICRC Customary International Law Links
ICRC Customary Int'l Humanitarian Law Database
ICRC Customary Int'l Humanitarian Law Study
ICRC Customary Law Study Vol I (PDF)
ICRC Customary Int'l Humanitarian Law Vol I: Rules
US State Practice Documents
Article 75 API, US Sec'y of State (2011)
ICRC Customary IHL Study, US Gov't Response (2006)
US Position on AP's, Matheson Remarks (1987)
API Customary Law Status, US DOD Memo (1986)
US State Practice Links
Digest of US Practice in International Law
US Position Statements on International Law
Report on the Frameworks Guiding the United States' Use of Military Force and Related National Security Operations (Dec 2016)
Obama's Presidential Memorandum (Dec 2016)
Jennifer O'Conner NYU speech (Nov 2016)
Brian Egan Berkley Remarks on Cyberspace (Nov 2016)
Brian Egan ASIL Speech (2016)
Stephen Preston's Speech at ASIL (2015)
Obama Remarks at West Point (2014)
Presidential Policy Guidance Fact Sheet (2013)
Obama Remarks at NDU (2013)
Lisa Monaco Speech at NYU (2013)
Eric Holder Speech at Northwestern (2012)
Jeh Johnson Speech at Oxford (2012)
Jeh Johnson Speech at Yale (2012)
Stephen Preston Remarks at Harvard (2012)
John Brennan Speech at Woodrow Wilson Int'l Center (2012)
Harold Koh Speech at ASIL (2010)
John Brennan Speech at Harvard (2011)
US Position Statements on Cyber
Harold Koh Speech on International Law in Cyberspace (2012)
EU Position Statements
EU Parliament Resolution on the Use of Armed Drones 2014
Treaty Law
Nat'l Implementation Databases >>