Modern War Institute, April 2018.
Service members coming back from deployments in war zones, most notably from recent tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, often return home with so-called "hidden injuries of war," wounds that are psychological rather than just physical in nature. Often, their problems pose a wide array of cognitive and health challenges, manifested by bouts of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, and sometimes by suicide. Diagnoses run the gamut from mTBI (mild Traumatic Brain Injury) to PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Programs in both the civilian and military sectors support the returning veterans by teaching strategies that strive to foster psychological resilience.
This LibGuide provides links to online sources of information relating to problems encountered by returning troops, research being done to better understand and treat war-related psychological issues, and efforts being made on behalf of veterans so that they can better cope with stress and adapt to civilian life.
TBI News
Domestic Violence News
Subject Specialist:
Dr. Leigh Ann Perry
Associate Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Science
College of Leadership and Ethics
Subject Librarian:
Andrea Groce
Research & Instruction Librarian
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