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Help, Guides and Instructions: EBSCO

This Research Guide helps patrons of the NWC Library make the most of their library experience by introducing important electronic resources and collections available to them. It serves as a starting place to learn how to use the library online search too

How to Access the EBSCO Collections

On the Library Homepage, access the Electronic Resources here:



Once in the A to Z listing, click on “E” for a listing of the EBSCO electronic resources.

Searching Tips

To use Advanced Search

  • Click the Advanced Search link below the Find field. 
  • Enter your search terms in the first search box 
  • Select a Boolean operator (AND, OR, NOT) to combine.
  • Choose the search field from the optional Select a Field drop-down list (for example, search in only the "Abstract" field of the citation).

  • If you need additional rows, click the Plus button Plus button. Up to 12 rows can be displayed. To delete a row, click the Minus button Minus button.

Select from the available Search Options:

  • Search modes - Use specific search modes, such as "Find all my search terms," or "SmartText Searching," or use search options that expand your search such as "Apply related words."
  • Limit your results - such as Full Text or Publication type.
  • Special Limiters - Apply limiters specific to a database. If you select a special limiter, it is applied only to the database under which it appears

Using truncation and proximity searches

  1. Using the truncation symbol (*) to get Burma or Burmese
  2. Using the proximity operation to get the words closer together in the content : the Near proximity operation in EBSCO is an “N” with a numeral:
    1. Burma N5 military
    2. “N” will find terms within a certain amount of words of one another regardless of the order in which they appear 

Other Limiters:

  1. Limit to "Scholarly" (peer reviewed) materials
  2. Limit by  Publication Date
  3. Limit search by Abstract or author- supplied abstract
  4. The Within Operator (“W”) finds terms within a certain amount of words of one another in the order in which you used them

How to Search the EBSCO Databases