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Welcome to Our Research Guides!

Research Guides (LibGuides) are multimedia subject guides presented in an innovative and attractive 21st century format. Web-based, they provide links to library materials and services. They are essentially library portals that connect the researcher to relevant Web sites and to the library’s online catalog and databases, often suggesting search strategies for exploring library resources. Many of the LibGuides’ links are to full-text documents, and often to RSS feeds, videos, and audio presentations. **Material and external links contained in the Research Guides are made available for the purpose of peer review and discussion and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Naval War College, Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense**


Guides Available Upon Request

The NWC Library has an array of research guides on various subject matter.  While many can be viewed by choosing from the collection listed here, you may have noticed a number of guides that were once included but are no longer available.  The guides not displayed can be made available  again by request.

Unpublished guides include:

Afghanistan/Africa/Asia-Pacific Region/Burma/China's Military/Cyberwarfare/Deterrence&Escalation/Economy/Energy/Iran's Nuclear Program/Korea/Languages/Latin America/Maritime Piracy/Middle East/Military Anthropology/Multinational Maritime Operations/PME/Revolution in Military Affairs/Space/Syria/Terrorist Groups/War Termination


Please see a reference librarian or email for more information

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This research guide focuses on the important issues regarding the South Pacific Islands and international affairs.

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