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Help, Guides and Instructions: Searching for Books Using WorldCat

This Research Guide helps patrons of the NWC Library make the most of their library experience by introducing important electronic resources and collections available to them. It serves as a starting place to learn how to use the library online search too

How to Search WorldCat

WorldCat (World Catalog) is an online catalog of books and other materials such as manuscripts, documents, audio-visual materials, musical scores, and sound recordings in libraries worldwide. It is the world’s largest online catalog. Updated daily, it includes more than 1.5 billion records for items representing 400 languages. Search WorldCat to identify books and other materials that are not found in the NWC Online Catalog.

If you wish to obtain an item in WorldCat that is not held by the NWC Library, you may request an InterLibrary loan for that item by completing the online form on the NWC Library’s home page.




From the Naval War College Library homepage:

  •  From the Library's home page click on the "Electronic Resources A to Z" link underneath the main search box at the top of the page:


Once on the A to Z listing page, click on the "W" tab, and scroll down to find the link to WorldCat.


From outside the Naval War College Library webpage:




Basic Search



Advanced Search



  • Select Books or any one of the other formats in the "Limit Your Search" section of the page.
  • Type keywords in the search box.
  • Select the pull-down menus for more search options
  • When you identify a particular item of interest, you may scroll down the page to identify libraries holding that item.  In WorldCat,  you can limit searches to just Naval War College items using the letters WNC in your search.
  • You can create a free account to create lists and bibliographies.