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Help, Guides and Instructions: EBSCO eBooks

This Research Guide helps patrons of the NWC Library make the most of their library experience by introducing important electronic resources and collections available to them. It serves as a starting place to learn how to use the library online search too

EBSCO eBooks

The EBSCOhost eBook Collection is a large collection of books on regional and country topics, including current issues in military and security studies.  This collection is available from the Electronic Resource A-Z list on the Learning Commons and Library homepage. For more help, see the NWC Library Instruction guides below. An NWC reference librarian can help you refine your EBSCOhost eBook Collection searches.

Pro Tip: Sections of EBSCO eBooks can be saved, printed, or emailed without checkout.

Check out EBSCOhost eBooks to a device:

  • Create a personal user account from any EBSCO database to download EBSCO eBooks
  • Click into the “Sign In” button on the top tool bar to create a personal user account
  • Download the EBSCO mobile app from your device’s app store to download eBooks to a phone
  • The Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) app also works for downloading eBooks to a phone
  • To use the ADE app, an Adobe ID is required
  • Adobe Digital Editions is the only to download an EBSCO eBook to a desktop, laptop, or Chromebook
  • It is recommended to make sure you have the latest version of the Adobe Digital Editions app.

EBSCO eBooks




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