This guide provides links to articles, books, news items, and other resources that contain information on leadership subject matter such as coaching and mentoring, decision making as a leader, organizational culture, and ethical leadership.
In addition to the sources within this Research Guide, the Naval War College also has a library dedicated to leadership and ethics issues. The Stockdale Leadership Library is located in Luce 320 and contains approximately 800 volumes on leadership, professional ethics, civilian-military relations, personality, adult learning, and related topics, as well as a collection of approximately 70 related DVDs. There is also a small reading area within the library for students and faculty.
Subject Specialist:
Dr. Leigh Ann Perry
Associate Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Science
College of Leadership and Ethics
Subject Librarian:
Andrea Groce
Research & Instruction Librarian
Note: Links to the NWC databases will work from off-site via the EZProxy for authorized users only.
(1) Via Blackboard: From Library's home page on the INTERNET,, select Databases from the navigation menu and choose a database by title from the A-Z List. In the pop-up window, you will be asked to choose an authentication method. Choose Blackboard and then enter your Blackboard Username and Password. OR: Log into Blackboard; click Library tab near top of page; click A-Z List of Databases; then select the database you wish to search.
(2) CAC option: From Library's home page on the INTERNET,, select Databases from the navigation menu and choose a database by title from the A-Z List. In the pop-up window, you will be asked to choose an authentication method. Ensure that your CAC is in the CAC reader. Choose CAC and follow the screen directions. You will be ready to search the database you selected.
Please see a Reference Librarian for further information.