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Indonesia: Research Help


What is microfilm?
Microfilm is a reproduction of an original document on a roll of film.  Its value lies in preserving documents, such as old newsprint, that may be in danger of deterioration.  

How do I use microfilm?
Microfilm is inserted into a reader, which then projects a full-size image of the original onto a screen so that the user can view it. Please ask a librarian to provide a quick tutorial on how to use microfilm readers.

Searching Help

  • Keep it simple. One or two word searches usually yield the broadest results.
  • Add relevant words to refine or narrow results.
  • When searching the catalog, try doing an advanced search by subject heading with that exact subject heading phrase.
  • Try words that a website would use.
  • Use only the important keywords.
  • Search with an exact phrase with quotation marks around it, to search for an exact phrase in an exact order. (Searches with quotes may exclude some relevant results, so try with quotes and without).
  • To increase the number of hits retrieved, you might consider using a truncation symbol, usually * .  Enter the root of a word followed by * and results will include any ending of that root word.  
  • Search within a specific site.  Precede your query with site:edu or
  • Mine bibliographies for additional resources.
  • Ask a Reference Librarian!  We are here to help.

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NWC Academic Honor Code

The Naval War College Organization and Regulations Manual, Instruction 5400.1N, describes the College’s academic honor code. The Naval War College enforces a strict academic code requiring students to credit properly the source of materials directly cited in any written work submitted in fulfillment of diploma or degree requirements. Simply put: plagiarism is prohibited. The code prohibits cheating and the misrepresentation of a paper as a student’s new thought.

Plagiarism is the act of taking ideas, writings, or the like from another and passing them as one’s own. Plagiarism includes the following:

  • The duplication of an author’s words without both quotation marks and accurate references or footnotes.
  • The use of an author’s ideas in paraphrase without accurate reference or footnote.

Students are expected to give full credit in their written submissions when borrowing another’s words and ideas. This code does not prohibit borrowing of words or ideas, with proper attribution, when preparing a paper or essay. A substantially borrowed but attributed paper may, however, lack the originality expected of graduate level work. Submission of such a paper may merit a low or failing grade.

Materials submitted for grading must be in conformance with the Naval War College Academic Honor Code.