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Chicago Manual of Style: Research papers

Joint Military Operations Paper


James A. McNaught, “Getting It Right—Operationalizing Civilian Capacity for Conflict and Post-conflict Environments” (research paper, U.S. Naval War College, Joint Military Operations Department, Newport, RI, 2005), 15.

Shortened note

McNaught, "Getting It Right, " 16


McNaught, James A. “Getting It Right— Operationalizing Civilian Capacity for Conflict and Post-conflict Environments.” Research paper, U.S. Naval War College, Joint Military Operations Department, Newport, RI, 2005.

Unpublished Paper


John Smith, “Ethics of Technology: Whats' Next?” (unpublished Research Paper,  May 3, 2023), 25.

Shortened Note

Smith, “Ethics of Technology,” 25.


Smith, John. “Ethics of Technology: Whats' Next?” Unpublished Research Paper,  May 3, 2023.